Leimberg Information Services
(Estate Planning Newsletter)
(Veterans Benefits - T&T Employee Benefits & Retirement Planning Book)
The Florida Bar
Rhode Island Bar Journal
North Carolina Bar
(Elder Law Newsletter)
State Bar Association of North Dakota
Military Benefit Issues in War Time (The State Bar of Texas)
Forbes Magazine
MSN Money
National Contract Management Assoc.
Estate Planning Review - The Journal (CCH)
The Docket (Sarasota County Bar Assoc.)
Lawyers Weekly USA
Adverse Witness (Collier County Bar)
Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts
Retirement Weekly
Martindale-Hubbell Connected
Wealth Strategies Journal
Nat. Assoc. of Estate Planners & Council (Journal of Estate and Tax Planning)
Sarasota Herald Tribune
SRQ Magazine
Bradenton Herald
MySuncoast - ABC 7
Gainesville Sun
Association of the US Navy
Reserve Officers Association
Employer Support of the Guard & Reserves (ESGR)
The Oakleaf
NY State Division of Military & Naval Affairs
American Veterans Network
National Military Family Association
Florida Department of Veteran Affairs
Florida Guardsman Online
Military Officers Association of America
The Navy Supply Corps Newsletter
The Navy Reservist (TNR)
The Advisor
The Military Network
Did the 2018 Tax Law Increase My Charitable Giving Deductions?
Electronic Wills and Discovery
What Type of Estate Plan is Right for You
Expiring 2016 Medical Expense Deduction For Those Over Age 65
Deducting the Cost of Life in a Retirement Community
Tax Benefits of Dependents
Making a List of Important Information for Your Heirs
Tax Free Planning for Long-Term Care Expenses
Community Living Assistance Services and Support Act
Requirements for Execution of Estate Planning Documents
How Far Does The Florida Homestead Exemption Extend
The U.S. Supreme Court Determines the Beneficiary of a Retirement Account
2016 Expiring Social Security Strategies
How Does a Trust Determine Who Your Wife Is
Different Verbiage to Create a Life Estate
A Different View of the Meaning of "Per Stirpes"
Let the Victor Be the Couple’s Prenuptial Agreement
What Rights Does Your Personal Representative Have to Your E-Mail Account
Another IRS Win on Personal Liability against the Administrator of an Estate
When a Life Estate Interest is not a Real Life Interest
Estate Litigants Beware as you can be held Responsible for an Estate Tax Liability
Whats Mine is Mine and Whats Yours is Yours when it comes to Property from a Joint Account
When is it too Late to Challenge an Inter-Vivos Trust Transfer?
Opportunities ROTH Planning Consideration in 2010
Beneficiary and fiduciary liability for income, gift and estate taxes
The U.S. Supreme Court Rules on Divorce and Military Disability Benefits
Mortgage Assistance for Wounded Warriors
Children of Fallen Warriors Tax Act - ROA Law Review
Combat Zone Tax & Retirement Savings Tips
New Benefits for Military Spouses
Social Security Benefits for Disabled Service Members
Veterans Aid & Attendance Benefits
Tax Benefits of Hiring an Unemployed Veteran
Tax Forgiveness for Deceased Service Members
Mobilization Issues that Affect Service Members and their Employers
Ready to Retire Early? Hear are Your Options.
The Best Legal Planning May Not Be Enough to Keep You Safe
Electronic Wills—Are They Valid and Enforceable?
Women in Guardianship Series on Edge of Freedom
Elder Guardianship: A Well Oiled Machine
Former Bradenton Businessman Appears in Panama Papers Database
Finish Reform of Guardianship Law
Prince's Death Puts Living Will Discussion Into The Spotlight
The Kindness of Strangers - Linda, Going Home
Finish Reform of Florida Guardianship Law
Sarasota Herald Tribune - Business People
Navy Reservist Receives Award
2006 Clayton B. Burton Award - Florida Bar
Thorns of Deception - Business Observer
Former Bradenton businessman appears in Panama Papers database
New Federal Law on Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Aug. 2022) NMCA (pdf)
DownloadA firm-fixed-price contractor uses an unwritten clause (Dec. 2022) NMCA (pdf)
DownloadNew DoD Contracts Require Self-Reporting of Workers in China (Feb. 2023) NMCA (pdf)
DownloadSBA Certification of VOSBS - SDVOSBS (March 2023) NCMA (pdf)
DownloadPrince Death (pdf)
DownloadSlacker Boyfriend May Be Tax Deduction (pdf)
DownloadThe Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act - Retirement Weekly 05-21-10 (pdf)
DownloadRetirement Accounts (Forbes - MJS quote) (pdf)
DownloadSocial Security Do-Over - KTS-Valuation 2010-Q4[1] (pdf)
DownloadTax-Free Planning Opportunity for Long Term Care - NC Elder Law Bar Article (pdf)
DownloadImpact-of-Remarriages (pdf)
Download137-LR (pdf)
DownloadMobilization Issues - ROA 175-LR (pdf)
DownloadTaxation of Employer Benefits ROA 137-LR (pdf)
DownloadMillitaryIssues-2006article (pdf)
DownloadHodges_EPR_The-Journal_12-16 (pdf)
DownloadTax law changes impacting real estate transactions - 120308R081204104839 (pdf)